Saturday, May 10, 2014

James Franco Says All Those Selfies Are Just About Giving People What They Want

He of many selfies, James Franco, appeared on "Late Show with David Letterman" on Thursday, May 8, and not surprisingly was asked the reason for the flood of photos of his face.

"To me it's just a fun thing. It's something I don't put a ton of thought into. But it gets a lot of attention, and I have a lot of followers on Instagram," Franco explained.

Letterman then pulled up Franco's recent near nude photo that he posted to Instagram, in which he's holding his genitals, and asked the actor, “James, why? Honest to God, why?"

"Now first of all, let me just say there isn't a person in this room who hasn't had their hand in their own pants," Letterman told the 36-year-old "Palo Alto" star, adding, "I don't care what you do in your underpants."

"Well, that's the other thing. It’s not like I’m putting it on billboards,” Franco told Letterman. “Ostensibly, Instagram is for my fans, but now all the bloggers are following me on there. So they'll just take it and use my images for whatever they want."

But when Letterman asked him to look at the photos objectively and admit that they are meant to be provocative, Franco became slightly defensive, telling the host, "But I didn't ask you to look at them. It's what the people want."

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